Ottawa Capitals

We are pleased to announce the roster for the Ottawa Capitals who will be participating in the 2019 CEWHA Nationals in Toronto from July 26th - 28th! 

Cameron, Blaine
Harb, Roddey
Haycock, Scott
Lamberson, Malaky
Lamberson, Matt
McBride, Thalia
Merkley, Austin
Schleyer, Kellen

Head Coach: Kevin Schleyer
Assistant Coach: James Lamberson
Equipment Manager: John Bois


The Ottawa Black Aces will also be participating in the 2019 CEWHA Nationals in Toronto

Bertrand, Brian
Culhane, Tammy
Erdin, Atinc
Guillotte, Robin
Pavone, Chris
Radmore, Joe
Toop, Karen
Toth-Vent, Tiana
Vezzaro, Kyle

Head Coach: Craig Baumken
Assistant Coach: Ryan Sharp-Smith
Equipment Manager: John Bois